Women in the Workplace


Women in the workplace face a unique set of challenges as they aim to balance work and life. Along with the rest of the challenges and situations that exist in life, work adds additional joys and complications.

With frequent issues of gender discrimination, harassment, and abuse in the workplace, it can be an extremely lonely experience. At times you may feel (or others may try to “make you feel”) like you are overreacting, too sensitive, not “taking a joke”, or that something is your fault. In these instances, it is important to seek counseling as a place to not only verbalize and understand what is happening, but to figure out healthy ways forward for yourself (i.e. healthy coping, boundary setting, navigating HR interactions, trauma processing, or even processing a “necessary ending” in the workplace). Though these are common experiences of women in the workplace, it does not mean these situations are appropriate or that you have to “put up with them.”


Having assisted so many clients through this process, and understanding that each situation is unique, I consider it a privilege to walk alongside you as you define goals for yourself as an individual in your profession and process through some of these hard and painful situations.


It can also be difficult to balance work, life, family, and other obligations. Perhaps you are feeling guilty for what the balance currently is, how work is impacting the rest of your life or relationships, or are struggling to know “what’s next” for you within your career. Counseling can be a great place to process these questions and struggles!

A coffee mug handstamped with the word begin

Are you ready to have someone walk alongside you as you process the demands and impacts of work and life?