Welcome to Landmark Counseling!

Beautiful lake surrounded by pine trees and mountains

A landmark is “an event, discovery, or change marking an important stage or turning point”. Natural landmarks serve as distinguishing features to allow an individual to find their way through an area. When you begin therapy with Landmark Counseling, we hope that this will be a landmark change marking a turning point in your life, and an experience resulting in new insights that will serve you in your journey.

Perhaps you want more out of life than what you’re currently experiencing and are seeking guidance. Reaching out for help takes courage, and regardless of what made you decide to reach out, we want to help!  

Perhaps you are experiencing some of the following: Are you no longer functioning in life or the workplace in the ways that you used to or want to? Do you feel like your past or traumatic experiences are limiting you in the present? Are you facing a life transition and want to navigate this in the healthiest way possible? Have you found yourself hitting a point of burnout in your work or life?

The great news is this - it doesn’t have to remain this way! By partnering with an experienced counselor who can share insights and guide your journey, you can move towards the life you envision. 

We all have physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to our health.  Just as it benefits us to be proactive and reactive in our physical health, it also benefits us to be proactive and reactive in our mental health. Counseling can be part of an important landmark in your life, marking a turning point in your growth and healing journey. Whether you are seeking to become a healthier version of yourself, navigate through a challenging work situation, find balance between work and life, or process painful grief and trauma, we are here to help.

Counseling has the ability to impact your future and create a positive ripple effect in your life. However, like any meaningful achievement in life, the process isn’t always easy. There is no magic cure, and Landmark Counseling can’t offer that. Just as an athlete understands that increasing muscle strength and technical skills comes through exercise and practice, the process of counseling gives you the opportunity to both grow and heal.

Here are some common issues that adults (age 18+) seek assistance with at Landmark Counseling:

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Workplace Issues

  • Grief & Loss

  • Life Transitions (moving, graduations, beginning/ending jobs, marriage/divorce, etc…)

  • Difficulty Making Decisions

Landmark Counseling serves individuals via telehealth services (video counseling) within the state of Indiana.

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