Health Care Providers

A stethoscope

I grew up in the medical community of Rochester, MN, home of the Mayo Clinic. After graduate school, I began integrating the fields of mental health and physical health together, believing that we cannot separate the two when it comes to whole person health and well-being. For over a decade, I have published multiple academic papers in the field and spoken at a variety of national and international medical conferences and organizations.

For the medical community, and for health care providers specifically, it can be difficult to find work-life balance and integration that meets your goals and values, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made this more difficult. Rates of compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress are higher than in the average population due to the nature of this people-helping profession. If we are not proactive about working through these issues, they can negatively impact us, our relationships, and the work in which we engage.

Additionally, women in the healthcare workplace often find themselves in an uphill battle as they face discrimination, harassment, and gender inequality in the workplace. The good news is you are not alone! These are common experiences of women in the healthcare workplace, and I am eager to walk alongside you as you define goals for yourself and your career.

A coffee mug handstamped with the word begin

Are you ready to have someone walk alongside you as you process the demands and impacts of work and life?